We strive to create a curriculum and pedagogy as well as a method of school organisation which recognises the potential of young children – as they learn to question, predict, discover, and wonder through the 100 languages. The educational theorist, Loris Malaguzzi founded this paradigm following WW2 in the Northern city of Italy, Reggio Emilia.
The children’s learning is made visible, ensuring they are seen as capable and confident in their thinking and understanding. Emphasis is placed on the role of the environment, both social and physical.
The city of Reggio Emilia has achieved growing international acclaim since 1991 when Newsweek designated their schools for young children as the best in the world.
Image of the Child - We see the child as strong, competent, curious, resourceful; that each child has enormous potential. A constructor of knowledge, actively seeking to make meaning of their world.
Relationships - Crucial to each child’s learning is the development of their social competence. We focus on developing a sense of community, based on respect for others, openness, constructive co-existence and listening. Excellent communication between parents and educators enables parents to feel involved in their child's learning.
Listening - "Why do we forget so easily that in order to talk, we first had to listen?" (Eulalia Bosch). We listen to each child, observe them closely, ask questions and explore their ideas. This also encourages receptive and expressive language skills in the child.
Environment - Our environment is ‘the third educator', contributing to and supporting learning. We are committed to creating spaces that enhance and facilitate the child's learning experiences. The child learns from the surroundings they are in and we are conscious of creating beautiful, orderly space where everything has a purpose. The child is encouraged to spend time on projects of interest and is often able to move between experiences at his/her own pace.
Teacher - The educators are seen as facilitators and researchers as they learn with and show respect for each and every child.
The Hundred Languages – All children make discoveries and learn in many different ways. We refer to these as the hundred languages – e.g. drawing, painting, sculpting, creating collages, acting, dancing, moving, singing and creating music ... and there are a hundred, hundred more.
Projects - Educators provide experiences that provoke each child’s learning. The child is seen as a protagonist; an active constructor of his/her own knowledge. Children are capable of long term sustained learning when the topic is of interest to them.
Documentation - Work is documented and displayed via script, photos, drawings, oral and digital recording in order for the children to see the development of their thinking and learning. It also enables the educators and parents to better understand the children. Revisiting this documentation supports the ongoing nature of the child’s interest and learning.
Collaboration - Children learn best when working with others: other children, family, educators and the wider community. Parents provide ideas and skills which involve them as active partners in the child’s learning. Educators encourage, support and develop collaborative learning.